Commercial Vehicle Insurance

Commercial Vehicle Insurance provides financial protection for vehicles used for business purposes, covering damages to the insured vehicle and third-party liabilities in case of accidents or other covered events.
Yes, it is mandatory under Indian motor laws for all commercial vehicles to have at least third-party liability insurance to legally operate on the roads.
The policy covers a wide range of vehicles, including trucks, buses, taxis, vans, trailers, tractors, cranes, and other heavy-duty vehicles used for commercial purposes.
The policy offers coverage for:
  • Third-party liabilities (injuries, property damage, death)
  • Self-vehicle damage caused by nature, theft, fire, and accidents. 
  • Personal accident cover for the driver and owner
  • Third-Party Insurance: Covers damages to third parties only, including injury or death and property damage.
  • Comprehensive Insurance: Provides complete protection, covering both third-party liabilities and own vehicle damages due to various risks.